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Warm congratulations to the Chairman of the Group, Zhong Ziqi, on being awarded the title of "Touching Liuyang" 6th Moral Model

发布时间:2024-01-22 12:00 点击数:0

Approaching you, warming me. On the afternoon of January 19th, the 6th "Touching Liuyang" Moral Model Award Ceremony was held at the Ouyang Yuqian Grand Theater in Liuyang City. Zhong Ziqi, Chairman of Dongxin Fireworks Group, was awarded the honorary title of "Dedication and Dedication" as a moral model.

Warm congratulations to the Chairman of the Group, Zhong Ziqi, on being awarded the title of "Touching Liuyang" 6th Moral Model

Fireworks masters innovate constantly

Zhong Ziqi, an entrepreneur who has struggled in the fireworks and firecracker industry for more than 40 years, has won this honor with his persistent pursuit and selfless dedication to his career. His story not only showcases the resilience and wisdom of an entrepreneur, but also conveys the spirit of dedication and dedication, inspiring more people to strive for their dreams.

The light of role models shines like a starry river. The constantly emerging moral models and good people around Liuyang have built a magnificent scenery, constantly refreshing the new heights of moral civilization in this city, and profoundly interpreting the contemporary connotation of this city. Their spirit will inspire more people to devote themselves to great causes and work hard to achieve their dreams. Let's look forward to more heroes who will move Liuyang and contribute to the prosperity and development of this city!

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