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Exciting Review of the Third Weekend Fireworks Show in 2024: Plant One Tree, One World, One Blooming Flower in One Life

发布时间:2024-03-11 11:45 点击数:0

The east wind sprinkles rain and dew, entering the world of spring. The deep winter has passed, and the ice and snow have melted. On the evening of March 9th at 8:00, Dongxin Fireworks teamed up with Liuyang Sky Theater to successfully conclude the third weekend fireworks show in 2024. 1000 drones, using the art of sound, light, and electricity, creatively showcase the theme of "planting a tree for a lifetime, and blooming flowers for a lifetime". A young seed, planted thick in the fertile soil of beautiful Liuyang, sprouts upwards and flourishes, becoming a towering tree that supports the beautiful Liuyang.

Spread a seed of hope, with an unstoppable momentum, facing difficulties and breaking through the ground.

The sound of spring thunder brings forth all things. Spring rain falls one after another, sneaking into the night with the wind; Spring beams of light ignite new life. Look, that seed is breaking through the ground

Plant a young seedling, tirelessly absorbing nutrients and branching upwards.

The birds sing and sing, filling the courtyard with fragrance. The branches and leaves grow wildly, and a gust of wind blows, creating a lush and lush area. Look, that tree is full of flowers, swaying with a passionate and fiery summer atmosphere

Planting a tree of dedication, delivering oneself with a heart and soul, sheltering from wind and rain.

Yellow rice, fragrant melon and fruit. Brilliant colors climb up the branches, and the cool autumn colors cover the home. You see, that tree is bearing abundant fruit, bringing joy to a bountiful harvest

Snowflakes drift, all things hide. Time flies, four seasons flow, and a tree is waiting for the warm spring flowers to bloom. You see, those seeds landing one by one have opened up the cycle of life

Plant a tree for a lifetime, and bloom flowers for a lifetime. The flourishing growth of the "Tree of Life" tonight stems from the efforts of the Dongxin Fireworks Fireworks team to take root "downwards".

They take root in the green mountains and waters, draw the strength of progress, measure the earth with solid steps, touch the sky with rough hands, and create a lush forest of fireworks with thick emotions!

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