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Dragons soar thousands of miles, riding the wind up | Dongxin Fireworks Group Holds the 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference and Spring Festival Gala

发布时间:2024-01-31 16:25 点击数:0

Singing softly bid farewell to the old year, dancing gracefully to celebrate the new year. On January 30th, the 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference and Spring Festival Gala of Dongxin Fireworks Group were held at the headquarters. This grand event is not only a review and summary of the past year, but also a prospect and expectation for the new year.

In the past year, the company and its employees have worked together to achieve steady growth in the group's business. We have made significant progress in safety, quality, innovation, and other aspects. General Manager Zhong Juan mentioned in her 2023 work report, "We will continue to uphold the concept of 'customer first, quality oriented, and innovation driven', and set clearer goals and plans for the new year."

Dragons soar thousands of miles, riding the wind up | Dongxin Fireworks Group Holds the 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference and Spring Festival Gala

In the important speech of Chairman Zhong Ziqi, he first expressed gratitude to all employees for their hard work and also put forward new expectations for future development. Chairman Zhong Ziqi emphasized that we must keep up with the pace of the times, seize market opportunities, continuously innovate, and enhance our core competitiveness. Finally, the chairman also encourages everyone to continue to promote the spirit of unity, cooperation, and hard work in the new year, and contribute to the development of the group.

Dragons soar thousands of miles, riding the wind up | Dongxin Fireworks Group Holds the 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference and Spring Festival Gala

Congratulations to your dreams and cheers to your youth. It is precisely because of the joint efforts of all employees that Dongxin Fireworks Group is able to ride the wind and waves without obstacles. At the meeting, the company commended the excellent employees in 2023, and awarded 30 best skill awards, 14 safety pacesetters, 15 quality pacesetters, 6 annual model worker awards, 1 best safety officer award, 1 best quality inspector award, 10 exemplary individual awards, 1 best sales person, 2 best performers, 1 excellent manager, and 1 excellent team.

At this joyful moment, of course, the wonderful performances of our colleagues are indispensable. The beautiful dance of the headquarters, the resounding singing of the pharmaceutical factory, the fireworks product show in the headquarters, the erhu solo brought by the research institute, the sketches of the Liuyang office, and the heartfelt duet of the Zhongqi factory have presented a visual and auditory feast for everyone, showcasing the talent and vitality of the employees of Dongxin Fireworks Group. The applause on site was thunderous, and the atmosphere was lively.

In the lottery segment, everyone was even more enthusiastic and enthusiastic. Lucky colleagues received the prize with laughter and joy, and the atmosphere on site reached its peak. The game segment of TikTok is even more hilarious. These links not only increase the fun of the activity, but also further enhance the cohesion of the team.

Time flies, fireworks fade away, and today's gathering is hard won, and we have been looking forward to it for a long time. After 28 years, the foundation of the company has become stronger and stronger. The original intention of the company's colleagues is solid, and there is an endless stream of new vitality injected into the company. Of course, there is also a group of people who are diligent in their positions and have made outstanding contributions to the stable development of the company. This grand event is not only a summary of the past year, but also an encouragement and motivation for the new year. In the new year, let's work together and create brilliance!

Dragons soar thousands of miles, riding the wind up | Dongxin Fireworks Group Holds the 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference and Spring Festival Gala

Dongxin Fireworks Group wishes everyone

In the new year

Brilliant smile, accompanied by beautiful dreams

A bright future ahead, extraordinary in this life

After experiencing time, returning is still a teenager

Fearless and fearless, walking against the wind

Keep moving forward bravely, set sail with clouds and sail to the vast sea!

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