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Struggle together, beautiful together | Travel rewards+Goddess Festival activities, I really love it!

发布时间:2024-03-12 17:00 点击数:0

In March, the spring breeze is not dry. To reward outstanding workers for the year 2023, express gratitude to Dongxin employees for their outstanding contributions to the company's development, and enrich their leisure cultural life, Dongxin Fireworks Group organized a three-day tourism activity from March 8th to 10th.

Struggle together, beautiful together | Travel rewards+Goddess Festival activities, I really love it!

The destination of this trip is the picturesque Three Gorges of Hubei, nestled by mountains and rivers. At the Three Gorges Scenic Area, everyone visited the Three Gorges Project, which has been forged by the national will for a century, and felt the grandeur and greatness of the "national treasure". Climb to the highest point of Tanzi Ridge and have a panoramic view of the Three Gorges Dam; Enter the homes of the Three Gorges and experience the primitive Three Gorges style and Tujia folk customs; Take a cruise ship down the river and experience the wonderful feeling of "rising water and rising ships" when passing through the lock.

Immersed in the lush mountains and surrounded by rivers, feel the grandeur of our motherland's mountains and rivers from zero distance. Along the way, everyone was enthusiastic, caring for each other, taking photos together, and full of laughter and joy.

Following the fragrance of flowers, the warmth is strong. On the occasion of the 114th International Women's Day on March 8th, female employees of Dongxin Fireworks Co., Ltd. followed the fragrance of flowers and entered the world of flowers, embarking on a journey of floral art.

Struggle together, beautiful together | Travel rewards+Goddess Festival activities, I really love it!

Under the patient guidance of the floral teacher, everyone experienced the joy and beauty of flower arrangement firsthand. From choosing flowers and matching colors, to pruning branches and leaves, and designing shapes, every piece of work is filled with enthusiasm and infinite creativity, showcasing the wisdom and beauty of women.

Struggle together, beautiful together | Travel rewards+Goddess Festival activities, I really love it!

Every team building activity is a moment for Dongxin people to work together and strive for a better future. In addition to the intense work, team building activities have fully demonstrated our mutual understanding and team spirit. This kind of corporate culture of mutual love, mutual assistance and learning is the driving force for the vigorous development of Dongxin Fireworks.

The future is promising, striving for success

Dongxin people maintain a love for life

Jointly rushing to the next mountain and sea

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